Quick Installation Guide

1. First, download the following file to your local machine. (Version Checker). Once downloaded, unzip the archive and upload the file called "get_version.php" to your server. This script will tell you what distribution you need to download whether it be the Ioncube or Zend Optimizer version.

2. Call this file up in your browser and follow the instructions outputted by the checker. i.e. http://www.yourdomain.com/version_checker.php

3. Follow the auto-generated "Recommendation" and "Instructions" in order to get the correct distribution for your server.

4. Download the correct distribution and upload it to your server. Remember that the Zend Optimizer version requires that a few key files be uploaded in binary mode.

5. Once all of the files are uploaded, make the necessary changes to the config.php and call up the install script to complete the installation. i.e. http://www.yourdomain.com/scriptdir/install/

For more detailed instructions please see: https://docs.twt-inc.com/sunshop:getting-started

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