Setting up Amazon Payments

Setting up Checkout by Amazon and Amazon Simple Pay requires only a few simple steps. Please see below for information regarding each of these modules.

1. Checkout by Amazon:

Enabling the Plugin & Payment Method Module:

Checkout by Amazon has been integrated as a SunShop plugin and payment method module. The module can be found in the plugins section of the admin. To locate to this section goto "Settings" -> "Manage Plugins". If the plugin is not already installed, you will need to navigate to the "Available Plugins" tab and click on the install icon. Please note that installing the Checkout by Amazon plugin will also automatically install the Checkout by Amazon payment method module. The two go hand and hand but need to be configured separately. Installing or uninstalling one will automatically do the same to the other.

Setting Up Checkout by Amazon Plugin:

Once the plugin has been installed you will need to set it up by now navigating to the "Installed Plugins" tab and clicking on the wrench icon. You will need to login to your seller central account to get most of this information located at If you do not yet have an account, you can signup at See below for more information.


Enabled: Set this to "On" once all of your settings below are entered.

Your Merchant ID: Your Checkout by Amazon merchant ID as displayed within the "Settings" -> "Checkout Pipeline Settings" area of the Seller Central control panel.

Access Key ID: Your Checkout by Amazon merchant key as displayed within the "Integration" -> "Access Key" area of the Seller Central control panel.

Secret Access Key: Your Checkout by Amazon secret access key as displayed within the "Integration" -> "Access Key" area of the Seller Central control panel.

Image Style: Image background type that will be used to display your Checkout by Amazon image.

Image Size: Image size that will be used to display your Checkout by Amazon image.

Sandbox Mode: Set this to "No" unless you have setup a sandbox account which is separate then a normal Checkout by Amazon account.

Setting Up Checkout by Amazon Payment Method:

Once the plugin has been setup you will need to set up the payment method module by now navigating to the "Settings" -> "Payment Settings" -> "Payment Methods" tab and clicking on the wrench icon. Note that the status of the module will show as "Off" at all times as this is necessary for proper function. Below is the information you will need to fill in to setup the module:


Enabled: Set this to "On" once all of your settings below are entered.

Seller Central Email: Your Seller Central email address.

Seller Central Password: Your Seller Central password.

Merchant Token: Your Seller Central merchant token as displayed at the bottom of the "Settings" -> "Account Information" area of the Seller Central control panel.

Merchant Name: Your Seller Central business name as displayed within the "Settings" -> "Account Information" area of the Seller Central control panel.

Checkout by Amazon IPN Setup:

In order to use IPN (Instant Payment Notification) services, you must have a valid SSL certificate. Login to SellerCentral and navigate to "Settings" -> "Checkout Pipeline Settings". Update the "Merchant URL" to altering the domain and path to your shops include/ directory.

Once the above settings have been entered, you are ready to start using Checkout by Amazon for processing orders.

Special Notes:


Shipping Calculation Limitations: Checkout by Amazon currently has limitation on the ability to use realtime shipping while processing orders. They are working on a new method to allow this for future versions of their API which we will then implement when available. In the meantime, if you use realtime shipping, it is recommended that you setup shipping tables and charges within the Seller Central interface.

2. Amazon Simple Pay:

Enabling the Payment Method Module:

Amazon Simple Pay has been integrated as a SunShop payment method module. The module can be found in the plugins section of the admin. To locate to this section goto "Settings" -> "Payment Settings". If the module is not already installed, you will need to navigate to the "Available Plugins" tab and click on the install icon.

Setting Up Checkout by Amazon Plugin:

Once the module has been installed you will need to set it up by now navigating to the "Payment Methods" tab and clicking on the wrench icon. Please note that a Seller Central/Checkout by Amazon account are separate then a AWS/Amazon Payments account and a AWS/Amazon Payments account is needed to use this module. To login or create an account, please visit or

Enabled: Set this to "On" once all of your settings below are entered.

Display Name: Enter the text of how you would like it to be displayed on the payment method selection screen.

Amazon Account ID: Your Amazon Payments merchant ID as displayed after generating a button on the page located at - You will need to login after clicking the "Create button" button on the top right menu. The only thing we need from this generation is your Account ID. Once you have that you can leave the screen and you do not need to do anything with the generate code.

Access Key ID: Your AWS/Amazon Payments merchant key as displayed within the "Your Account" -> "Access Identifiers" area of the AWS control panel.

Secret Access Key: Your AWS/Amazon Payments secret access key as displayed within the "Your Account" -> "Access Identifiers" area of the AWS control panel.

Display Order: Order of display on the payment method selection screen.

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