Setting up PayPal Web Payments Pro

Please Note: There are now two sets of accounts as the interface of PayPal account area on newer accounts has changed.

Newer PayPal Accounts

1.) Login to your PayPal account and navigate to "My Account" -> "Profile" and click on "Request API credentials".

2.) Under "Option 1", click on the "Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions" link.

3.) Under "Option 2", click on the "Request API credentials" link and generate your API information.

4. Select the option "Request API signature" and click "Agree and Submit".

5.) Change the value of the "API Access User ID", "API Access Password" and "API Access Signature" within the module settings in SunShop to the information you just generated.

6.) Also change the value of "Authorize & Capture" to the correct setting, leave as is if you do not understand what this setting is for.

7.) Leave the setting "Sandbox Mode" to "No" unless you specifically setup a sandbox account.

8.) Save the changes by clicking the "Edit Module Settings" button and then activate the module.

Older PayPal Accounts

1.) Login to your PayPal account and navigate to "My Account" -> "Profile" and click on "API Access".

2.) Under "Option 2", click on the "Request API Credentials" link and generate your API information.

3. Select the option "Request API signature" and click "Agree and Submit".

4.) Change the value of the "API Access User ID", "API Access Password" and "API Access Signature" within the module settings in SunShop to the information you just generated.

5.) Also change the value of "Authorize & Capture" to the correct setting, leave as is if you do not understand what this setting is for.

6.) Leave the setting "Sandbox Mode" to "No" unless you specifically setup a sandbox account.

7.) Save the changes by clicking the "Edit Module Settings" button and then activate the module.

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