Resetting your admin password.

If you find yourself locked of the SunShop admin area due to a forgotten password. Use the following steps to reset yoru password so that you can get back into your account.

1. Go directly to your shop's database (the most common way is to access it via phpMyAdmin through your web hosts control panel, sometimes accessed through the "Databases" or "MySQL Databases" section). Once you locate the area where the databases are listed, you should find a link to the tool "phpMyAdmin".

2. Locate or select the proper database once you have accessed phpMyAdmin if necessary. You may only have one database to choose from and in this case simply continue to the next step.

3. Scroll down to the "admins" table, and click the "Browse" link or icon. You may have to click on the actual text for some servers.

(NOTE: If you used the ss_ prefix, it'll be called "ss_admins". This is the same for any other prefix you may have defined during installation.)

4. Locate your username in the list of entries. Click the "Edit" link next to it. You can also click the pencil icon next to the word "Edit".


For SunShop 4.3.2 & Later: In the text box that currently holds the "password", erase it entirely and paste in "29f3f8b51ab882afa3147b5a65c8c054". Press the "Go" button below.

For SunShop 4.2.5 to 4.3.1: In the text box that currently holds the "password", erase it entirely and paste in "ab03b69adf76a431973284e2995ad66a". Press the "Go" button below.

For SunShop 4.2.4 & Ealier: In the text box that currently holds the "password", erase it entirely and paste in "cca8dd8babd4c9996c8dfee788a49d18". Press the "Go" button below.


6. This action updates your password to "temp123". You should now be able to login and change your password.

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