How do I transfer Sunshop from one host to another?

(Before beginning, it is advised that you use an FTP client and have a window in said client open to your new host's server space, ready to upload files).

1) Back-up all Sunshop files in the folder that holds the software to your local computer. Some people keep it in the public_html (or equivalent) and yet others may have it in it's own folder like /store or /shop. Below are the list of all the folders and files to back-up. Other custom files or folders not provided with the software must be backed up as well to your discretion. The folders listed below have additional folders and files within - these too must be backed up.

  • /admin
  • /catalog
  • /docs
  • /images
  • /include
  • /lang
  • /themes
  • checkout.php
  • global.php
  • index.php
  • libsecure.php
  • quick_checkout.php (for versions 4.2.2 and above)

2) Locate your old host's MySQL management area. Most hosts use phpMyAdmin. Once you locate this and the store's database, follow the instructions in this link to perform a export/backup of your data:


3) At your new host's mySQL management area, create a new database. The three most common control panel interfaces are cPanel, Interworx and Plesk. Below are links on how to create a database with images in all three:

If your host does not use one of these and you cannot find out how to create a database, please ask your host. After you create your database, please note the database name, database username, database password, and database/mysql server you just defined. You will need these later. Do NOT forget to assign the database user to the database with all privledges.


4) Go to your newly created database in phpMyAdmin and import your database backup here. Link:


5) Upload your Sunshop backup from the old server onto the new server via your FTP client. (Please upload "libsecure.php" in binary format - this is a setting you can define in your FTP client)


6) Finally, locate the /include/config.php file. Open it in Notepad or a similar program, and change the dbname, dbuser, dbpass, and if necessary the servername to the NEW database's credentials from number 3 above. Save the file and re-upload it back to the new server, overwriting the old.


7) As long as the domain remains the same, the database user is given all privledges to access the database, the data is intact, and the files uploaded did not get corrupted, your store should show up when you re-access the domain name again.


NOTE: Don't forget to change the DNS for your domain so it's pointing to the new host's nameservers.

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