Altering template text and language variables.

In this example we will alter the text in the Welcome Message template.

Method 1:

1. In your SunShop administration area go to "Setting"s -> "Manage Templates".

2. Select "page_welcome.html" from the dropdown and search for the "$lang[heading]", "$lang[message1]" and "$lang[message2]" PHP variables.

3. Replace these variables with any text/html you like.

Method 2

1. Connect to your site via FTP.

2. In the directory where you have SunShop installed to, find the "/lang" folder.

3. Download the language file to your desktop and open using any text editor (Such as Windows Notepad).

4. Search for the "$lang[heading]", "$lang[message1]" and "$lang[message2]" PHP variables.

5. Replace their values with whatever text or HTML you like, making sure to escape any invalid/disallowed characters.

*Unlike editing HTML template files, you must observe PHP syntax rules. For example, apostrophes within apostrophes must be escaped. Same goes for quotation marks.

6. Save file and upload to your site, overwriting the previous version of it.

NOTE: Template files must be writable. Before making any template changes, we highly suggest creating a backup copy of the default files!

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