Altering & adding links to the SunShop navigation / menu bar.

In this example we will edit the "modern_black" theme.

1. Go to "Settings" -> "Manage Templates" in your SunShop administration area and select the "table_information.html" template.

2. Using a little bit of common sense & the code that is already in the template by default, you can easily follow the same logic and add your own link...

<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php">$lang[home]</a></li>
<!--// Start Hide Registry //-->
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=registry">$lang[registry]</a></li>
<!--// End Hide Registry //-->
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=custom_page">Custom Page</a></li>
<!--// Start Hide Gift Certificates //-->
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=gift_certificates">$lang[certificates]</a></li>
<!--// End Hide Gift Certificates //-->
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=privacy_policy">$lang[privacy]</a></li>
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=about_us">$lang[about]</a></li>
<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=contact_us">$lang[contact]</a></li>
<!--// Start Hide Logout //-->
<li><a href="$settings[secureurl]index.php?l=logout">$lang[logout]</a></li>
<!--// End Hide Logout //-->
<li class="last"><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=account">$lang[myaccount]</a></li>

The line we added in the above example is:

<li><a href="$settings[shopurl]index.php?l=page_view&amp;p=custom_page">Custom Page</a></li>

That's it. Two easy steps.

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