Embedding flash movies & animations into pages.

1. Upload your SWF/FLASH file to your web site via FTP. or get the url/link to the flash file you would like to use.

2. In your SunShop administration area, click on "Products".

3. Find the product and click on the "Edit" icon (Looks like a pencil.)

4. Under the "Full Description" area of the product, add the following code (Obviously, you'd use your own flash file/movie):

<object width="300">
  <param name="movie" value="swf/shamwow.swf">
  <embed src="swf/shamwow.swf" width="300">

If your flash movie is being hosted locally (Such as in this example) you should use a relative path. Otherwise, a full url should be used (Example: http://www.shamwow.com/swf/shamwow.swf).

You can also edit the width to meet your specific needs. In this example we set it to 300 pixels, which seems like a good size given the space we are working with.

5. Click "Update Product".

You're all done!

If you followed the steps correctly, it should look something like this:

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