Customizing the main_index.html template.

The main "framework" of SunShops design is located within the main_index.html template. Most of the elements that control the design of the store front are enclosed within it. These elements include the header, footer and other sections displayed across all pages such as the categories list, bestsellers, manufactures list, etc.

If you wish to alter, move or remove some of these elements, you would do so within the main_index.html template. You can open the template file through the administration area by going to "Settings" -> "Manage Templates" or you can choose to alter the file directly by navigating to the "/themes/YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE/" directory and editing the file in your favorite editor.

*IMPORTANT* Do not attempt to alter the main_index.html in the "Advanced Editor" as this will cause display problems. This only applies to the main_index.html and all other templates can be edited using advanced editor if desired.

Moving An Element:

If you wish to move an element within the template, for example the bestsellers list, you would simply take the variable that represents that element, and move it to your new location. For example, changing:





The above changes would display the manufacturers above the categories on the page.

Deleting An Element:

In most cases, each of the "sections" displayed on the page is controlled by a variable. For example, the $table[manufacturers] variable displays the "Manufactures Table". You can easily remove that from the page by deleting the variable from the template. The same would apply to other variables such as $table[bestsellers].

*NOTE* Although this is a very basic breakdown of making changes to the overall "framework" of the design, please note that some HTML knowledge may be required to make additional changes. If you are not comfortable making these changes, it is recommended that you contact a developer for assistance on more advanced customization.

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